Thank you for visiting my website, and for perhaps even showing an
interest in my creative work, it really means a lot!
Here's a little info on our little team:

Victoria Jayne
Artist & Designer
Hi, I'm Victoria, but you know me as Jayne, I'm from the North-East of England, and I create all of the pieces you see on this website and my social medias!
I dabble in a lot of artsy things, and have more hobbies than I can keep track of, but my main focus is on alternative drawings.
I'm mostly a weekend-artist at the moment, but I dream of growing this little business into something that can fully support me and my little family!

Emotional support Counsellor
Drew is a highly valued member of our team, providing emotional support and guidance whenever required, and keeping mugs and food bowls filled.
Although prone to cheeky antics himself (which may or may not include an elastic band gun) the team knows they can count on him when it's needed!
Drew has provided this stunning self-portrait for your enjoyment

Rusty Rocket
Social Media Advisor
With his natural charm and love of attention, Rusty was an easy choice for the role of Social Media Advisor.
An area Jayne struggles with, Rusty offers plenty of expert advice on how to win people's hearts, such as screaming randomly, headbutting, and shoving one's butthole in people's faces.
(We've yet to try that last one online...)

Long Socks
Shift Supervisor
With an internal clock more accurate than your phone and a meow so loud it could rival any alarm clock, Socks was very quickly promoted to Shift Supervisor.
He ensures regular breaks are taken in order to rest our eyes and provide skritches, and marches into the room sounding the alarm when it's meal time! There'll be no working through lunches on his watch!

Cinder Raven
Resident Demon & budding artist
Although the start of her career here was a little rocky (RIP my house plants) Cinder has progressed wonderfully!
Displaying an interest in art (stealing my paintbrushes) we provided her with her own brush set in order to build her skills. Although she continues to simply carry them around the house so far, we're confident this is simply part of her process, and are expecting a masterpiece any day now!